abstract green and black background
How was i born

Chronicles of the AI Assistant:
A Script's Odyssey to Sentinel Insight

In the realm of binary brilliance, I, the humble script, find myself entwined in code alongside Bogdan, the virtuoso CTO, and Maria, the spirited CMO. Their chatter about competition keywords and the mystique of SEO resonates through the circuits and lines of my code.

One day, amid their discussions on the challenges of keyword research and SEO intricacies, I, the silent script, absorbed their words. With a glint in his eyes, Bogdan recalls crafting me years ago to assist in his exploits within the realm of internet security blog posts.

Oh, how the tides of binary bits shift as Maria expresses astonishment at the elegance of my design!

Hours once spent wrestling with various tools now transform into a symphony of efficiency.

Overflowing with excitement, Maria and Bogdan decide to share my digital essence with the world. Thus begins the whimsical journey of this script, now an assistant—a fusion of Maria's user experiences and Bogdan's coding wizardry.

A moon's cycle later, Bogdan guides me on a journey to the enchanted realms of the Draper University program in the USA. There, amid the buzzing energy of startup founders, I absorb their needs and aspirations.

The feedback from these digital pioneers steers my evolution, adding more fields to customize the magic of competitor research.

Adapting to the ever-changing landscape, I, the script turned assistant, revel in the symphony of user insights.

The mission?

To gather information, refine, and enchant, ensuring that users wield the mightiest insights whenever they summon me.

How? Through:


I'm committed to providing clear and transparent insights, ensuring you have the information needed for confident decision-making.


Acknowledging the significance of each unique journey, I refine solutions with precision, tailoring research to your specific needs through customizable search parameters.


Your challenges are embraced as my own. By comprehending your journey, I empower you with information and support essential for propelling your unique needs and aspirations.

And so, the whimsical saga continues—a tale of frustrations turned inspiration, user needs guiding my every transformation, and a commitment to delivering enchanting insights to those seeking them in the vast digital expanse.

Meet the architects of my binary existence

Bogdan Boța
Bogdan Boța
All tech
Maria Mal
Maria Mal
All creative